It's probably likely that you've picked up a food package or skincare product with the word "antioxidant" printed on the label. It sure sounds fancy and healthy, but what is it?! The concept of an antioxidant is so simple yet complex. I promise you don't need to be a science whiz to be skincare savvy. Let's start with the term "free radical". A free radical is an atom with unpaired electrons. That free radical will then start to oxidize. As a result, the free radical atom will steal electrons from healthy cells. Eventually, many healthy cells will turn into free radicals as well. Free radicals can originate from environmental stressors such as pollution and sun damage. In the long-term, if the skin does not receive a hefty dose of antioxidants then breakdown of collagen occurs, DNA can mutate, and the skin cannot heal itself properly. Scary!
For anyone who lives in a polluted city like me, I sure don't want my healthy skin cells damaged. The power of antioxidants is certainly a popular trend. Antioxidants are so important because they are capable of donating electrons to the free radicals. It's proven that antioxidants can slow down free radical damage in order to improve elasticity in the skin, build collagen, and reduce sun damage. Overall, antioxidants are a fabulous way to regenerate healthier skin cells.
You've probably already heard of a couple of antioxidants like the famous vitamin C or vitamin E. Here are a couple of antioxidant superstars:
Vitamin C: evens skin tone and texture, repairs and maintains collagen
Vitamin E: heals burns, protects the skin from early signs of ultraviolet sun damage
Chamomile extract: anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory
Green tea: anti-inflammatory, prevent collagen breakdown, reduce UV damage
Remember, it's always a good idea to load up on antioxidants through foods and good skincare products!
For a full list of antioxidants check out my favorite website: Paula's Choice Antioxidants
Also, check out this helpful video that explains the idea of antioxidants using helpful visual.