Sunday, October 2, 2011

Healthy Eating Habits

You should go on a diet.
You should change your eating habits.

Which of the two sentences appeals more to you?
I know the second statement conjures up a lot more positive thoughts than the first statement! Something about the connotation of the word "diet" leads most people to think of barren salads and starvation. The problem most diets are that they are unrealistic. However, instead of dieting, losing weight results from good healthy eating habits. 

Recently, I had a friend ask me, "so did weight watchers work?" My reply came without hesitation, "I lost 15 lbs, of course it worked!" I'll admit, three months ago I couldn't fit into my favorite pair of uniqlo trousers. The metal hook to cling to the other side of the pant, wasn't anywhere close to uniting my pants. At that moment, I knew it was time to drop some pounds. However, I wanted to do it in a healthy way. So, I turned to weight watchers. I mainly joined because I wanted to lose weight and educate myself concerning proper eating habits. I've seen the weight watchers plan transform me mentally and physically. I want to share with you three vital lessons I learned from the plan.

  1. Put in the effort to think about what you are going to eat for the day, in other words, plan ahead!
  2. Load up on lean proteins, pair main meals with fruits and vegetables to satisfy a full but not overly full feeling.
  3. Portion control what you eat, eat that one cookie or muffin, not the whole box!
Here's an example of what I ate today:

1 egg
2 pieces of whole wheat toast
1/2 cup of orange juice

1/4 of a salmon fillet
1/2 cup of mashed potatoes
1 cup of roasted cauliflower 

Steamed Chicken-3 oz
Steamed brocoli-1 cup
1/2 cup of brown rice
1 pork dumpling
(This was ordered from a chinese restaurant! Many menus now have healthier options)

Snacks throughout the day
1/4 cup of cheerios 
Vita brown with whip cream 
Protein banana chocolate muffin 

Did I starve myself? No.
I've been eating like this for the past three months and the results are stunning. I lost weight, attained knowledge about what I was consuming.  Overall, I certainly altered my lifestyle and made these eating habits a part of who I am.

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to leave it on this blog post!


  1. Thank you so much for this post! It really makes me look at losing weight in a different way. It's a great idea to plan ahead, I never really do that. I'm determined to start eating healthier :)

  2. I'm ecstatic that this post has inspired you! You're very welcome.

  3. thank you for making me a beautiful healthy lunch big sister :D


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